Postage due


This set ( the original was issue on 1934 ) was overprinted on 1943 ( Brescia ) and 1944 (Verona).The issue of Brescia was made with I° type characters only ( Raffaello ), the issue of Verona was an imitation of Brescia issue. The issue overprinted with "Fascetti" was printed in Rome only.

Brescia printing


Brescia printing exists only with I° type characters, issued by Austoni & Bontacchio Typography (caratteri Raffaello del I° tipo). Issue date was December 20 1943, the same date of all Brescia GNR overprinted issues. Their use, on letter, is very scarce like postage due but their use were beared as emergency franching in places when stamps lacked. In the picture above you can see the last stamp on the lower row ( 5Lire ). This stamp has ALWAYS inverted overprint. Values of 10 Lire and 20 Lire were not overprinted in Brescia because lacking of these sheets. Below quantity issued:

            5c. - 20.000 items                                 30c. - 20.000 items                                        1L. - 20.000 items
           10c. - 30.000 items                                 40c. - 10.000 items                                         2L. -  5.000 items
           20c. - 20.000 items                                  50c. - 60.000 items                                         5L. -  2.000 items
            25c. - 40.000 items (*)                             60c. - 10.000 items

(*) - 1.000 of this values were overprinted with inverted overprint, they are scarce.

Verona printing



This overprinted set was not issued and these stamps were sold to collectors. This set was overprinted from January to May 1944. Note last two stamps at right in the lower row, they are 10 Lire and 20 Lire that don' t exist in Brescia printing.

            5c. - 10.600 items                                             30c. - ???                                                      1L. - 5.500 items
           10c. - ???                                                           40c. - 10.700 items                                        2L. - 2.700 items
           20c. - ???                                                           50c. -  1.200 items                                         5L. - 2.000 items
           25c. - ???                                                           60c. -  1.000 items                                      10L. -21.700 items 
                                                                                                                                                          20L.  - 6.600 items

Of the stamp of 10 Lire were burnt 18.509 pieces, of 20 Lire value were burnt 3.457 pieces.


Little fasces


This set was issued only at Rome on April 1944.These stamps were utilized as postage due and as emergency franching for lacking of ordinary mail stamps. They are commons, but scarce if on cover.


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