Special Delivery
The only special delivery stamps to being overprinted, were those of 1932-33, representing Vittorio Emanuele III. First overprint was made by Republican National Guard (GNR) of Brescia. For the history of this issue, see chapter "The Issue of the GNR", while the typology of press characters adopted, demands to particular attention. The press characters most used in the issue of Brescia of ordinary mail were called "Raffaello", they were the most diffuses of all charachters used but not for these stamps who were overprinted with two kinds of characters called Metastasio and Rome( II°type and III° type ), adopted for the greater sizes which the stamps of Propaganda of War and some values of Air mail. Postal authorities thought, therefore, to adopt characters of greater dimensions, that showed up on the grater size of stamp. The printer in charge of the press, how already explained in the paragraph regarding the GNR, was not however in possession of all the characters who served for the overprint of the sheet of 50 stamps, He decided therefore to overprint the upper part of the sheet (the first 25 stamps) with the Metastasio character, called also character of the III° type and, the lower part (remaining 25 stamps), with another type of character, more tightened than Metastasio, the charachter "Roma" or character of the II° type. Every sheet of these stamps had therefore 2 kinds of overprint, the Metastasio on upper 25 stamps and the Rome on lower. Some items (150 stamps) of the value from 2.50 Lire were overprinted with the Raffaello character, issued like a proof, they are very scarce. The use on letter of value of 1.25 Lire is very scarce but, the item of 2.50 Lire is very very rare. The date of issue was December 20, 1943. Below are these stamps and their quantity issued.
Brescia II° Type
1,25 Lire - 50.000 items 2,50 Lire - 2.675 items
Brescia III° Type
1,25 Lire - 50.000 items 2,50 Lire - 2.675 items
Verona printing
1,25 Lire - ??? 2,50 Lire - 15.000 items
Also Verona overprinted these stamps, using zinc slabs instead movable types like Brescia. This issue is a counterfeit of Metastasio type of Brescia. These stamps were not issued, because to speculative intents, they, infact, didn't reached post offices, but were sold to collectors. Little items cancelled have complimentary cancel. They were issued from May 1944.
Little fasces ( Fascetti )
Very common stamps than GNR issue , these itemswere overprinted adopting a big republican fasces with the inscription " REPUBBLICA SOCIALE ITALIANA ". These items follow the history already described in the chapter Fascetti ( Little fasces ). Thery were, infact, issued in the same day ( January 21, 1944 ) in all places already described (Rome,Verona,Milan,Florence,Turin and Genoa),except the special delivery stamp of 2.50 Lire that was not issued at Milan. Refer to chapter Fscetti for all inking and printing features.
This stamp was issued together the set called "Monumenti distrutti" (Destroyed monuments) on June 1944. This is only special delivery stamps not belonging to Kingdom of Italy and then overprinted, but It was printed with proper cliches appointed by republican Government. Over 20 millions of stamps were printed, this item is very common, mint and cancelled, but interesting if regulary travelled on letter.